We sure do! Delivery fee varies depending on location.

Our service fee covers things like the cost of employees at an event, insurance, wear and tear on supplies, etc .

Aw, that’s so sweet! Yes, while we don’t expect it, gratituity is always greatly appreciated and split evenly between staff.

A 50% deposit is required for all events over $500, due at the time of booking.

Card, Check, Cash, or Venmo.

Sometimes…. We’re happy to discuss special requests, but thank you for understanding that we can’t always accommodate.

All Local. All Family.

Hi! We’re Adrienne (mom), Lane (dad), Morgan (daughter), and Ian (son-in-law). Prineville Catering is our family business. We’ve always loved cooking and hosting friends, and we enjoy catering to Central Oregon with tasty, beautiful food. We’re passionate about our community and love giving back anytime we can.

Prineville Catering Family Photo
Croissant Sandwich by Catering in Prineville Oregon
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